(Rojas jumper, secondhand black tee, Boos and Besito bow necklace, Dolce Vita heels, BR necklace worn as bracelet, Kimski gator ring)
Thank you everyone for the early birthday wishes! I'll be sure to post pics of my bday outfit when the time comes in early September. It's been so hot lately that I busted out my little blue jumper to wear while exploring L.A. one scorching Sunday. Right now though, I need some info on the weather in two faraway cities...London and Paris!!! If any of my fellow bloggers live over there, please let me know what to pack and where to go shopping because I just received some amazing news. Later this month, I'll be visiting London and Paris for eight days for work reasons! Whenever I get a free moment, I know I'll be sneaking over to Topshop to buy clothes or ducking into a boulangerie to snack on pastries. I can hardly believe I'll be traveling to these two fabulous cities in just a few weeks. It's thrilling!
Packing tips! Shopping recommendations! Anything would be appreciated!!
Packing tips! Shopping recommendations! Anything would be appreciated!!